Pirton letter to accompany uniform policy
School Day
Our school day starts at 8.40am for all children and ends at 3.15pm. Lunchtime is from 12pm to 1pm and there is a morning break from 10.15am-10.30am. Morning registration is from 8.40am-8.50am. We meet the minimum standard of 32.5 hour week, with a provision of 32 hours and 55 minutes.
Collection at the end of the school day – information for parents/carers
Reception – Parents and carers of children in Reception must come to the Reception door to collect their child. Children will not be released unless an adult is standing near to the Reception door.
Robins – Parents and carers of children in Robins must come to the Robins gate to collect their child. Children will not be released unless an adult is standing near to the gate.
Swifts – Parents and carers of children in Swifts must come to the Swifts exit (between the pond and the Reception outside area) to collect their child. Children will not be released unless an adult is standing near to this area.
Kestrels – Parents and carers of children in Kestrels must come to the Kestrels classroom door to collect their child. Children will not be released unless an adult is standing near to this area.
Falcons – Parents and carers of children in Falcons must come to the Falcons classroom door to collect their child. Children will not be released unless an adult is standing near to this area. Year 5 children in Falcons are able to walk home alone if we have received a request from a parent for this to be allowed.
Owls – Parents and carers of children in Owls must wait near the play equipment to collect their child. Children will not be released unless an adult is standing near to this area. Year 5 and 6 children in Owls are able to walk home alone if we have received a request from a parent for this to be allowed.