More visitors and Easter eggs!

It has been very exciting in Wrens this week.  So many people have generously given up their time to talk to us about what they do at work and how they help people.

We were visited by a nurse who told us about working at The Lister Hospital, lots of us have been there and we were excited to hear about what it is like working there from a real nurse.

Later in the week we were visited by a doctor, she showed us the equipment she uses to check if people are well.  We loved learning about what the things we have seen at the doctors are for.

We were also visited by a hairdresser, she showed us all the things she uses at work and talked about how people enjoy getting their hair done, and how it makes them feel happy.  The children enjoyed sharing their experiences of getting their haircut.

The parents on the PTA gave up their time this week too, they organised for us all to get Easter eggs, which was very exciting.  Or grown-ups in Wrens were so proud of us that we were all able to resist eating them before school finished, but some of us couldn’t hold out much longer and dived right in as soon as we were collected!

We have one more visitor booked in to come and see us this term, Reverend Mary is coming to see us next week.  We are looking forward to it and are thankful for all the kindness the grown-ups in our community have shown us while we have been learning about People Who Help Us.