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This week we have been learning about our capital city,  London.  Lots of the children enjoyed sharing their experiences of visiting London with the class.  They have been to a huge range of places and seen a wide variety of things from Beefeaters to Bluey!  They thought things were bigger in London, such as buildings and buses.  We have had great fun junk modelling skyscrapers and transport and did some amazing role-playing of going to London on trains and travelling on double-deckers! 

This week’s Drawing Club book, The 100 Decker Bus, was a big hit and inspired some great writing and drawing.  The children applied their understanding of 3D shapes to constructing London from blocks.  In maths we have been thinking about numbers to 20 and used our counting skills to count the decks on the buses we drew and made.

In PE this week we have focussed on balance in both Yoga and Gymnastics.  Some of the children find this quite tricky.  It would be great for them to practise balancing on different parts of their bodies at home.  Challenge them to count to 20 or recite the alphabet while balancing and help them practise their numbers and letters at the same time!

Enjoy the long weekend, next week our focus location is The Seaside.  We look forward to learning what the children know about this geographical feature, and exploring any questions they have.  Please feel free to send in photographs of your visits to the beach.