Mandy Cruise



This week we have been learning about our capital city,  London.  Lots of the children enjoyed sharing their experiences of

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Assembly Week In Wrens

This week we have continued our learning about India in preparation for our class assembly.  The children worked really hard

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Happy Summer Term

What a week!  We have been really busy with our new topic, A Far Off Place.  We have been learning

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Happy Easter!

We have enjoyed our last week of term in Wrens.  We rounded off our learning about People Who Help Us

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Science Week

What an exciting week in Wrens!  We started science week with a visit from a public health scientist and ended

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What a week!

We have had quite a week in Wrens.  As part of our learning about people who help us we have

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Spring Has Sprung!

We have had a lovely week back following the half term break.  We have been busy thinking about spring, and

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