We have had a really lovely week in Wrens starting to prepare for Christmas. In forest school we showed huge resilience and awareness of the need to be safe when drilling a hole in a log slice using a palm drill. We then turned the log slices into Christmas tree decorations which will be hung on our Christmas tree next week. Don’t worry, they will be coming home at the end of term.
We have also worked collaboratively to make a fireplace for our role play area, sadly Santa is stuck but we will pull him out. We practiced our numbers on stockings and used our best scissor skills to cut them out. We have explored using acrylic paint to make patterns on baubles, we found it much trickier to use than water based paint.
This week we wrote to Santa, Mrs Cruise posted our letters and we are hoping for a reply soon. We had great fun investigating frost and ice too, when the weather turned colder.
On Wednesday we made a super long paper chain with a red and green pattern to decorate our room with. We used great teamwork to do this. We made it longer by repeatedly adding one more. We were thinking about one more and one less in maths this week. In phonics one of our sounds was r, we used it to label drawings of Rudolph with the word red.
We have been practicing every day for our sing along and are looking forward to seeing you there. Finally, we ended the week by learning about advent and some of us had our turn to get a treat and a kindness message from the class advent calendar. The rest of us were kind and resilient about it not being our turn. We know we will all get a turn before Christmas.