We have had another great week in Wrens, it has been so busy. The children all finished their baseline assessments, I was really proud of their focus. They seemed to enjoy the time playing games in The Nest.
This week the whole school got together in their houses and voted for house captains and vice-captains. It was exciting to see Wrens getting involved in this example of democracy.
Mrs Bates led forest school this week, the children had a wonderful time making nests for hedgehogs to hibernate in. We have learnt about hibernation and migration, have a go at using these words over the weekend!
Mrs Bates led forest school this week, the children had a wonderful time making nests for hedgehogs to hibernate in. We have learnt about hibernation and migration, have a go at using these words over the weekend!
Our maths focus has been patterns… noticing, continuing and creating them. If you catch your Wren making patterns with their dinner don’t be surprised. In literacy we have been reading Don’t Forget The Bacon, and have made shopping lists for an imaginary visit to Pirton Shop. Perhaps your child can help you with the shopping over the weekend, don’t forget to make a list! Our phonics focus has been on the s sound. This weekend see if you can spot s in books and the environment. Don’t forget you can access the Bug Club eReaders using the log in details in your child’s diary.
We ended the week by thinking about being responsible and looking after our environment like the beaver in the book The Busy Beaver. Get your Wren busy, like Beaver, doing a bit of recycling and help them to learn how to be responsible. Feel free to invoke Beaver when it is time to tidy up too.
Have a lovely weekend, enjoy the Pumpkin Festival if you are taking part.