Happy Half-Term, Happy Halloween! 25th October 2024

We have had such fun in Wrens this week!  The children have loved learning and talking about Halloween.  They came with lots of prior knowledge, especially about the different monsters and have had some great ideas related to our Drawing Club text, What’s In The Witch’s Kitchen?  Any book with a witch, poo and wee is sure to be a hit with four- and five-year-olds!  They are all very excited about the big day next week.  I hope you have lots of spooky fun.

Our phonics learning this week has been based on the c sound, made with the c, k and ck.  Try asking the children what a diagraph is… see if they can recall ‘Two letters, one sound.’  Also see if they can recall the meaning of the words ‘kippers’ and ‘kin’, these words were new to them.  In phonics we have been learning to sight read the words ‘and’ and ‘to’, if you come across them in books during the holiday use this as an opportunity to re-enforce their learning.

In maths we have been looking at the properties of circles and triangles, using the vocabulary curved, straight, sides, edges, corners and points.  These are also words you can try to use with the children to embed their meaning.  We used semi-circles to make our witch and wizard hats and decorated them with circular moons and stars made from two triangles.  The stars were a bit of a challenge so encourage the children to keep practising these.

In PE for the last fortnight, we have been trying to balance items on different parts of our bodies, this takes a lot of focus on our bodies and is useful for developing our vestibular sense.  It is quite a challenge for some of the children to slow down and really think about how their body is moving, the temptation to run is always there!  Thankfully there are lots of opportunities for that at school too!

Have a wonderful break, enjoy the rest before the big Christmas run up.