Our School Blog

African Dance

This week we were very lucky to have an African Dance Workshop. We learnt a traditional West African dance and

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African Dance Workshop

We were fortunate enough to take part in an ‘African Dance’ workshop this week where Swifts learnt various traditional dance

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PE – Basketball

Last week in Swifts we were working on improving our basketball skills. We were learning how to tackle an opponent

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This week we have rounded off our learning about a far off place by thinking about Space.  We have enjoyed

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In our Art lessons this half term we have looked at how mosaics have been used in art throughout history.

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Poles Apart

We have had a great time this week learning about the North and South Poles, and what amazing timing after

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Digital Drawing

Last week children choose one of their sketches to make a simple digital portrait of their partner using line only.

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This week we have been learning about our capital city,  London.  Lots of the children enjoyed sharing their experiences of

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Assembly Week In Wrens

This week we have continued our learning about India in preparation for our class assembly.  The children worked really hard

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