Kestrels (Year 3/4)

Kestrels are taught by Mrs. Ellie May Hulme. On Thursday mornings Miss Jo Allen teaches the class whilst Mrs. Hulme has her PPA (Planning, Preparation and Assessment) time.   

We are a mixed Year 3/4 mixed class with 12 Year 3 children and 17 Year 4 children.

The curriculum for this year has been carefully selected to ensure children gather the knowledge and skills they need.  The details of our curriculum can be found on our curriculum newsletter.

The three school rules and the Pirton 6R’s are embedded within our class.  Children who show these behaviours are celebrated and, on a Friday, we have a celebration assembly to share some
of these successes.

Please keep an eye on our Class blog to find out more about our journey in Kestrels.

Key Information

Home learning and spellings come home on Thursdays and should be returned by the next Tuesday.

Tuesdays and Fridays are our PE Days, so please make sure your child’s kit is in school on these days.

Children should bring a water bottle to school every day and can bring a healthy snack with them for breaktime.

News from Kestrels Class