Swifts (Year 2/3)

Welcome to Swifts!

Swifts are taught by Mrs Hulme with TA support from Mrs Woodward.  On Thursday mornings Mrs Shaw teaches the class whilst Mrs Hulme has her PPA (Planning, Preparation and Assessment) time.   

This term we have 18 Year 2 children and 13 Year 3 children in it, we are a Year 2/3 mixed class. 

In Swifts we have an exciting term ahead.  The curriculum for this year has been carefully selected to ensure children gather the knowledge and skills they need.  The details of our curriculum can be found on our curriculum newsletter.

The three school rules and the Pirton 6Rs are embedded within our class.  Children who show these behaviours are celebrated and, on a Friday, we have a celebration assembly to share some of these successes.

Please keep an eye on our Class blog to find out more about our journey in Swifts.

Summer Term overview:

English – A range of units; traditional stories (The Finger Eater by Dick King Smith), narrative (Super Joe doesn’t do cuddles by M Catchpool), non-fiction – explanations (A range of texts) and another narrative text (How to catch a star).

Maths – Shapes, Fractions, Time and Measurement (mass).

Science – Animal survival.

History – Magnificent Monarchs.

Art – Portraits and poses.

DT – Cut Stitch and join/ Push and pulls.

Computing – Branching databases, Simulations and Emails.

Music – The Friendship song, Reflect, Rewind and Replay.

PSHE – Economic wellbeing and Transition.

RE – Showing care and concern/ Who made the world and other big questions.

PE – Dance 3 (animals), Games 4 (Hockey), Games 5- (Tri Golf) and Athletics.

Key Information

Children should bring a water bottle to school every day and can bring a healthy snack with them for breaktime.

Tuesday and Thursday are our PE Days, so please make sure your child’s kit is in school on these days.

Home learning and spellings come home on Thursdays and should be returned by the next Tuesday.

Children should read at home most nights if possible.

Times table rock stars is recommended for all children to practice their multiplications.

On Fridays we have Celebration Assembly where we celebrate our achievements for that week.

We are looking forward to the children enthusiastically engaging in their learning and seeing them flourish throughout this year

Recent news from Swifts