Pirton School is a village school, in the village of Pirton on the outskirts of Hitchin. Our children come from Pirton itself and further afield and from both Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire. We currently have 135 children in our school in 6 classes.
Our classes are as follows:
Wrens (13 Reception children)
Robins (22 Year One children)
Swifts (22 Year Two children and 4 Year Three children)
Kestrels (17 Year Three children and 12 Year Four children)
Falcons (7 Year Four children and 18 Year Five children)
Owls ( 20 Year Six children)
Our average class size is 23 and our class sizes range from 13 to 29.
If you are interested in your child starting at Pirton, please contact us to arrange a visit. We have spaces in most classes and year groups. All of our classes with EYFS or KS1 children have a full time Teaching Assistant.
We hope to continue to have a separate Reception class to our Year One class in September 2025 and we intend to move towards single year groups as our school grows.
We welcome parents contacting the school directly to discuss your individual applications.
To make an In Year application please go to www.hertfordshire.gov.uk/inyear
Applicants for a Reception place for September 2025 should apply online at www.hertfordshire.gov.uk/admissions
Admission Arrangements
Pirton School is a Hertfordshire School and the Local Authority manages our admissions. If you would like your child to attend our school, further information can be found on the Hertfordshire County Council website by following this link: School Admissions